- Wind Ridge Farm: Home

Description: Here at Wind Ridge Farm, we believe that even though some livestock will be harvested for food, the animals should be treated with dignity and respect. They are raised in, as closely as possible, a natural habitat. This means no commercial feed pellets, hormones or antibiotics. They are not penned or separated, so the normal family dynamics can allow for healthy, happy livestock.

lamb (5) sheep (2) soay (1) pot belly (1) pot bellied (1) pig (1) pigs (1) potbelly (1) potbellied (1) livestock guardian dog (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Here at Wind Ridge Farm, we believe that even though some livestock will be harvested for food, the animals should be treated with dignity and respect. They are raised in, as closely as possible, a natural habitat. This means no commercial feed pellets, hormones or antibiotics. They are not penned or separated, so the normal family dynamics can allow for healthy, happy livestock.