wishingwellcare.us - Senior Health Care, Day Care for Seniors, Senior Living | Lawrenceville, NJ

Description: Call our senior health care center at (877) 553-5806 in Lawrenceville, NJ, for day care for seniors and any senior living services.

health care (8) social services (4) day healthcare services (1) wishing well adult day health care (1) senior citizens (1) healthcare services (1) specialized health (1) functionally-disabled seniors (1) exceptional care (1) nursing home alternative (1)

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As opposed to institutionalization, healthcare services at our facility provide a way for our clients to live and age at home with their family.

Our clients enjoy a variety of indoor and outdoor recreational activities that keep them active and allow social interaction.

Wishing Well Adult Day Health Care is a health care center for seniors and physically-challenged adults  located in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. It is a premier adult day health care facility designed to provide exceptional care to our clients. Our spacious and daylight-filled modern Center provides specialized health and social services to functionally-impaired adults, allowing them to live and age at home while attending a daycare program during a part of their day. "There is a need for this type of facilit