Description: relieve, recover health, improve immune system, develop potential, relieve illnesses, rescue lives, enlighten sentient beings, promote world peace, human health and religious harmony
health (60) meditation (21) yoga (21) spiritual (18) mindfulness (6) buddhism (5) buddhist (5) temple (3) dharma (3) western supreme buddha temple (1)
During the Dharma Vanishing Era, universe becomes unpredictable. Sicknesses extensively spread in the world and endanger all sentient beings. For the purpose of relieving sentient beings of Six Realms of Samsara from sufferings, Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi descends to this mortal world for rescuing people... <<<
Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi is compassionate to all living beings. His Holiness has carried a rare and precious Dharma Treasure, and traveled to the West... <<<
...Governors in different countries brought up policies of healthier nations, starting from Emperor Qin in ancient China to the President of U. S. in the modern age... <<<